Pittsburgh Post Gazette news article about WorkVis.io's work with US Steel to help them towards attaining a sustainable, zero-harm culture.
Check out this great coverage of WorkVis.io's lifesaving work with United States Steel Corporation in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette! We are proud to help US Steel drive towards their goal of "attaining a sustainable, zero-harm culture." Their goal aligns perfectly with our mission of "increasing worker safety, productivity & wellbeing." The article talks about how we're using Artificial Intelligence or AI cameras to transform workplace safety with video analytics.
Read the article here: https://www.post-gazette.com/business/tech-news/2024/03/23/pittsburgh-startup-workvis-ai-cameras-us-steel/stories/202403170048
#AI #AICamera #Safety #WorkerSafety #WorkVisio #safetysolutions #pittsburgh #steel